Virginia Ham
- Ham - 5 lb.
- Brown Sugar - 1 cup
- Dry Mustard - 2 tsp.
- White Vinegar - 1 tsp.
- Cloves - 10
- Ginger Ale - 1/2 liter
- Pineapple Slices - 1 small can
- White Karo Syrup
In small bowl mix brown sugar, dry mustard and white vinegar to form a thick paste. Score top of ham and push 10 cloves scattered on side of ham. Put brown sugar mixture on top of ham; pour ginger ale in pan. Bake at 350°, keep basting for about 1 hour. Place pineapple slices on top of ham and pour pineapple juice from can on top. Drizzle on top of ham just enough white Karo to come down sides of ham. Bake another one and one half hours.